04. Key Elements of Democratic Government NCERT Notes for Chapter 4 Social Science – Civics

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Welcome to Key Elements of Democratic Government NCERT Notes for Chapter 4 Social Science – Civics specially created by padhaiguru.in.

Chapter 4: Key Elements of Democratic Government

Highlights from South Africa


  • Election of Leaders: People participate in democracy through elections, selecting representatives who make decisions on their behalf.
  • Representation and Accountability: Elected representatives are expected to consider the voices and interests of the people.
  • Fixed Terms: Governments are elected for fixed terms, in India, this period is five years.
  • Re-Election: Governments must be re-elected to stay in power beyond their term, emphasizing the people’s power.
  • Limited Power: Regular elections limit the government’s power, preventing prolonged rule.

2. Other Ways of Participating

  • Beyond Voting: Participation extends beyond voting, involving an active interest in government affairs and constructive criticism.
  • Various Modes: People participate through dharnas (protests), rallies, strikes, signature campaigns, etc.
  • Highlighting Injustice: Unfairness and injustice are exposed and addressed through these means.
  • Media’s Role: Newspapers, magazines, and TV platforms facilitate discussions on government issues and responsibilities.
  • Social Movements: People organize into social movements to challenge and improve government functioning.
  • Inclusive Participation: Minority groups, dalits, adivasis, women, and others engage to enhance democracy.


  • Origin of Conflicts: Differences in culture, religion, region, or economic status can lead to conflicts.
  • Government’s Role: The government plays a crucial role in resolving conflicts and maintaining peace.
  • Constitutional Laws: The Indian Constitution outlines laws for both the government and the citizens, guiding conflict resolution.
  • Religious Conflicts: Religious events sometimes trigger conflicts; government intervenes to ensure peaceful solutions.
  • Interstate Water Conflicts: Disputes over river water distribution between states demand central government intervention.


  • Democratic Principles: Equality and justice are fundamental tenets of a democratic government.
  • Inseparable Concepts: Equality and justice are closely intertwined.
  • Eliminating Discrimination: Laws ban practices like untouchability to ensure equality; justice requires treating everyone equally.
  • Government Initiatives: Special provisions address societal inequalities; these provisions aid marginalized groups.
  • Gender Injustice: In society, gender bias exists; the government addresses this by providing equal opportunities for girls.
  • Promoting Justice: Measures like waiving or reducing fees for girls in government schools combat gender injustice.

Keywords and Definitions in key elements of democratic government

  1. Apartheid: A system of racial segregation and discrimination that existed in South Africa, now eradicated.
  2. Representation: The act of selecting individuals to speak and make decisions on behalf of a group.
  3. Conflict Resolution: The process of addressing and settling disputes to restore harmony.
  4. Equality: The state of being treated the same and having equal rights and opportunities.
  5. Justice: Fair treatment and ensuring that individuals’ rights are upheld.
  6. Marginalized Groups: Socially disadvantaged groups often facing discrimination.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What was the role of the African National Congress in South Africa’s history?

The African National Congress (ANC) played a pivotal role in leading the struggle against apartheid in South Africa. They fought for equal rights and an end to racial segregation.

How does participation through elections affect a democracy?

Participation through elections allows citizens to choose representatives who make decisions on their behalf. This process ensures that the government remains accountable to the people.

How does the media contribute to democracy?

The media discusses government issues, responsibilities, and societal concerns, fostering informed public discussions. This contributes to an engaged and aware citizenry.

What is the significance of conflict resolution in a democracy?

Conflict resolution is essential for maintaining harmony in a diverse society. A government’s role in resolving conflicts ensures stability and upholds the rule of law.

How does the Indian Constitution promote equality?

The Indian Constitution prohibits practices like untouchability and enforces laws that treat all citizens equally, regardless of their background.

What is the role of social movements in a democracy?

Social movements empower marginalized groups to challenge government actions and demand change, enhancing democracy’s inclusivity.

How does the government address gender inequality?

Governments address gender inequality through measures like providing equal opportunities, incentives, and eliminating biases in policies.

What are some examples of non-violent ways to participate in government processes?

Non-violent participation includes rallies, signature campaigns, peaceful protests, and engaging in constructive discussions about government affairs.

How does the government ensure fair distribution of resources, such as river water between states?

The central government intervenes to mediate conflicts over resources like river water and devises equitable distribution plans for the benefit of all states involved.

Why is the concept of justice closely linked to equality?

Justice cannot exist without equality. Treating all individuals equally ensures that justice is served and everyone’s rights are protected.

This was the end of ncert notes on air around us class 6 chapter 4 social science civics.

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