06. Rural Administration Class 6 NCERT Notes Chapter 6 Social Science – Civics download pdf

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Welcome to Rural Administration Class 6 NCERT notes Chapter 6 Social Science – Civics NCERT Notes specially created by padhaiguru.in.


India, a land of diverse landscapes, encompasses more than six lakh villages, each with its unique challenges. Addressing the fundamental needs of these rural areas, such as water, electricity, and road connectivity, is a complex endeavor. Additionally, the management of land records and resolution of conflicts further contribute to the multifaceted nature of rural administration.

Area of the Police Station:

  • Defining Jurisdiction:
    • Every police station is assigned a specific geographical area, known as its jurisdiction.
    • Cases arising within this designated area fall under the purview of the respective police station.

The Work at the Police Station:

  1. Complaint Submission Process:
    • Complaints commence with the submission of a written application by the complainant.
    • The official registration of the complaint takes place within the police records.
  2. Initiating Police Investigation:
    • Once registered, the police launch an investigation to gather evidence and ascertain the facts surrounding the complaint.
  3. Community Influence on Complaints:
    • A specific incident highlights the potential influence of the community in the complaint acceptance process.

Maintenance of Land Records:

  • Role of Patwari:
    • The Patwari, known by various titles in different states, holds the responsibility of maintaining accurate land records.
  • Diverse Responsibilities:
    • These responsibilities encompass meticulous record-keeping of land ownership and related details, which collectively form the land records.
  • Comprehensive Information:
    • Beyond ownership, these records include valuable data such as land revenue collection and crop-related information.
  • Significance of Khasra Records:
    • The “khasra record” holds special significance, as it provides intricate details about land ownership classifications.

Structure of Administration:

  • District Division:
    • India’s administrative structure involves the division of states into smaller units known as districts.
  • Tehsildar’s Role:
    • Within this framework, the Tehsildar plays a pivotal role as a revenue officer overseeing the work of Patwaris.
  • Dispute Resolution and Accessibility:
    • The Tehsildar facilitates the resolution of land disputes, ensures transparent record-keeping, and enables accessibility to vital documents.

A New Law – Hindu Succession Amendment Act, 2005:

  • Historical Inheritance Patterns:
    • Traditionally, land inheritance favored sons.
  • Progressive Legal Shift:
  • Universal Applicability:
    • Notably, this progressive law applies uniformly across all states and union territories.

Keywords and Definitions:

  1. Patwari: An official responsible for land record maintenance in rural areas.
  2. Tehsildar: A revenue officer overseeing Patwaris and land-related matters.
  3. District Collector: The administrative head of a district responsible for various functions, including land administration.


Q1: Who is responsible for maintaining land records in rural areas?

A: The Patwari holds the responsibility of maintaining land records in rural areas.

Q2: What is a khasra record and why is it significant?

A: A khasra record provides detailed information about land ownership classifications and holds crucial significance in land administration.

Q3: What role does the Tehsildar play in rural administration?

A: The Tehsildar oversees land-related administrative processes, resolves disputes, and ensures transparent record accessibility.

Q4: How does police station jurisdiction work?

A: Each police station has jurisdiction over a specific geographical area, where incidents within that area fall under its responsibility.

Q5: What challenges does rural administration face in India?

A: Rural administration grapples with the provision of essential services and effective management of land-related matters.

Q6: How did community influence impact police complaints?

A: Community support and influence can sway police stations to accept complaints initially denied, as exemplified in the mentioned incident.

Q7: What significance does the Hindu Succession Amendment Act hold?

A: The Act revolutionized land inheritance patterns by granting equal rights to sons, daughters, and mothers.

Q8: What role does the District Collector play?

A: The District Collector serves as the head of district administration, overseeing various functions including land-related matters.

Q9: How does the Tehsildar contribute to dispute resolution?

A: The Tehsildar plays a pivotal role in resolving land disputes, ensuring fairness, and maintaining transparency.

Q10: Is the Hindu Succession Amendment Act applicable nationwide?

A: Yes, the Act applies uniformly across all states and union territories, ensuring consistent inheritance rights.

This was the end of ncert notes on rural administration class 6 chapter 6 Social Science – Civics.

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