NCERT Class 6 History Notes

08. Class 6 History Chapter 8 Villages Towns and Trade NCERT Notes Download Pdf

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Class 6 history Chapter 8

Welcome to NCERT Notes on Class 6 History Chapter 8 Villages Towns and Trade.

Iron tools and agriculture

  • Use of iron began in the subcontinent around 3000 years ago.
  • largest collections of iron tools and weapons were found in the megalithic burials
  • Around 2500 years ago, there is evidence for the growing use of iron tools.
  • These included axes for clearing forests, and the iron ploughshare.

Other steps to increase production: irrigation

  • While new tools and the system of transplantation increased production,
  • irrigation was also used like canals, wells, tanks, and artificial lakes.

Who lived in the villages?

  • 3 Kinds of people lived in most villages in the southern and northern parts of the subcontinent.
  • In the Tamil region, .
    • large landowners were known as vellalar,
    • ordinary ploughmen were known as uzhavar,
    • and landless labourers, including slaves, were known as kadaisiyar and adimai.
  • In the northern part of the country,
    • The village headman was known as the grama bhojaka, the post was hereditary. He was the largest landowner.
    • Generally, he had slaves and hired workers to cultivate the land. He used to collect taxes for the king.
    • He also functioned as a judge, and sometimes as a policeman.
    • Other independent farmers, known as grihapatis, most of whom were smaller landowners.
    • And then there were men and women such as the dasa karmakara, who did not own land.
  • In most villages there were also some crafts persons such as the blacksmith, potter, carpenter and weaver.

The earliest Tamil compositions

  • The earliest works in Tamil, known as Sangam literature, were composed around 2300 years ago.
  • These texts were called Sangam because they were supposed to have been composed and compiled in assemblies (known as sangams) of poets that were held in the city of Madurai
  • The Tamil terms mentioned above are found in Sangam literature.

Finding out about cities: stories, travellers, sculpture and archaeology

  • Jatakas: were stories that were probably composed by ordinary people, and then written down and preserved by Buddhist monks.
  • Sculptors carved scenes depicting peoples’ lives in towns and villages, as well as in the forest.
  • Many of these sculptures were used to decorate railings, pillars and gateways of buildings that were visited by people.
  • Many of the cities that developed from about 2500 years ago were capitals of the mahajanapadas.
  • Some of these cities were surrounded by massive fortification walls. In many cities, archaeologists have found rows of pots, or ceramic rings arranged one on top of the other.
  • These are known as ring wells. These seem to have been used as toilets in some cases, and as drains and garbage dumps.
  • Another way of finding out about early cities is from the accounts of sailors and travellers who visited them.
  • One of the most detailed accounts that has been found was by an unknown Greek sailor. He described all the ports he visited.

Archaeologists have found several thousands of coins belonging to this period.

The earliest coins,

which were in use for about 500 years, were punch-marked coins.

Punch-marked Coins: These coins were generally rectangular, square, or round in shape. They were either cut out of metal sheets or made from flattened metal globules. Coins were not inscribed but stamped with symbols using dies or punches. Hence, they are called punch-marked coins.

These coins are found across most parts of the subcontinent and remained in circulation till the early centuries CE.

Cities with many functions

played a vital role in the economic and social life of the region during this time.

  • Mathura has been an important settlement for more than 2500 years.
  • It was important because it was located at the cross roads of two major routes of travel and trade — from the northwest to the east and from north to south. There were fortifications around the city, and several shrines.
  • Farmers and herders from adjoining areas provided food for people in the city.
  • Mathura was also a centre where some extremely fine sculpture was produced.
  • Around 2000 years ago Mathura became the second capital of the Kushanas.
  • Mathura was also a religious centre — there were Buddhist monasteries, Jaina shrines, and it was an important centre for the worship of Krishna.
  • Several inscriptions on surfaces such as stone slabs and statues have been found in Mathura.
  • These were made by kings and queens, officers, merchants, and crafts persons who lived in the city.
  • For instance, inscriptions from Mathura mention goldsmiths, blacksmiths, weavers, basket makers, garland makers, perfumers.

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Crafts and crafts persons

  • Archaeological evidence for crafts.
  • These include extremely fine pottery, known as the Northern Black Polished Ware (NBPW). It gets its name from the fact that it is generally found in the northern part of the subcontinent.
  • There were famous centres such as Varanasi in the north, and Madurai in the south. Both men and women worked in these centres.
  • Many crafts persons and merchants now formed associations known as shrenis.
  • These shrenis of crafts persons provided training, procured raw material, and distributed the finished product. Then shrenis of merchants organised the trade.
  • Shrenis also served as banks, where rich men and women deposited money. This was invested, and part of the interest was returned or used to support religious institutions such as monasteries.
  • Northern Black Polished Ware (NBPW): NBPW is a hard, wheel made, metallic looking ware with a shiny black surface. The potter used to expose the earthenware to very high temperature in his kiln which resulted in the blackening of its outer surface. A fine black slip was also applied on this, which gave the pottery a mirror-like shine.

A closer look — Arikamedu

  • Arikamedu (in Puducherry) Between 2200 and 1900 years ago,
  • Arikamedu was a coastal settlement where ships unloaded goods from distant lands. A massive brick structure, which may have been a warehouse, was found at the site.
  • Other finds include pottery from the Mediterranean region, such as amphorae (tall double-handled jars that contained liquids such as wine or oil) and stamped red-glazed pottery, known as Arretine Ware, which was named after a city in Italy.
  • Roman lamps, glassware and gems have also been found at the site. Small tanks have been found that were probably dyeing vats, used to dye cloth. There is plenty of evidence for the making of beads from semi-precious stones and glass.


  • This is one of the oldest cities in Europe, and developed around the same time as the cities in the Ganga valley.
  • Rome was the capital of one of the largest empires — one that spread across Europe, North Africa, and West Asia.
  • Augustus, one of the most important emperors, who ruled about 2000 years ago, said that he found Rome a city of brick, and made it into a city of marble.
  • He, and later rulers, built temples and palaces. They also built huge amphitheatres — open arenas surrounded by tiers of seats — where citizens could watch all kinds of shows, and public baths (with separate timings for men and women), where people met and relaxed. Huge aqueducts — channels to supply water — were built to bring water to the city — for the baths, fountains and toilets.

Frequently Asked Questions – Extra Questions and Answers :

Class 6 history Chapter 8 Exam related important questions and answers:

When did the use of iron tools begin in the Indian subcontinent?

Answer: The use of iron tools began around 3000 years ago in the Indian subcontinent.

What is the significance of punch-marked coins in ancient India?

Answer: Punch-marked coins were an early form of currency, stamped with symbols using punches. They were in use for about 500 years and played a role in trade and transactions.

What were the main functions of cities during ancient times?

Answer: Ancient cities had various functions such as trade centers, cultural hubs, and religious centers, contributing to the economic and social life of the region.

Who lived in villages during ancient times?

Answer: Villages were home to different groups of people, including large landowners, ordinary ploughmen, landless laborers, craftsmen, and independent farmers.

What is Northern Black Polished Ware (NBPW)?

Answer: NBPW is a type of pottery with a shiny black surface, often found in the northern part of the subcontinent. It was used for various purposes and is a significant archaeological find.

What is Arikamedu, and what was its role in ancient trade?

Answer: Arikamedu was a coastal settlement where ships unloaded goods from distant lands. It played a crucial role in trade, and artifacts from various regions have been found there.

How did cities in the Indian subcontinent develop around 2500 years ago?

Answer: Many cities that developed around 2500 years ago were capitals of mahajanapadas (ancient kingdoms) and some had massive fortification walls for protection.

What were the functions of shrenis in ancient India?

Answer: Shrenis were associations of crafts persons and merchants that provided training, distributed finished products, and even served as banks. They played a significant role in trade and economic activities.

What was the significance of Mathura in ancient times?

Answer: Mathura was an important settlement with its location at crossroads of major trade routes. It was known for its fine sculpture, trade, and religious significance.

What is Sangam literature, and when was it composed?

Answer: Sangam literature refers to the earliest works in Tamil, composed around 2300 years ago. These texts were compiled in assemblies of poets known as “sangams.”

Feel free to ask if you have more questions or need further information!

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