06. The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings class 6 pdf chapter 6 NCERT notes free download

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the living organisms and their surroundings class 6 pdf chapter 6 NCERT notes free download


Paheli and Boojho’s Excursion

Paheli and Boojho embarked on an exciting vacation that took them to various places across India. They explored the serene banks of the river Ganga in Rishikesh, marveled at the majestic Himalayan mountains, witnessed the stark beauty of the hot desert in Rajasthan, and reveled in the sun and sand at the sea beach in Puri. Throughout their journey, they encountered a rich variety of trees, animals, and plants, showcasing the incredible diversity of life on Earth.

Organisms and Their Surroundings

Exploring Different Places

Curiosity led Paheli and Boojho to ponder if there existed any place on Earth devoid of living creatures. To find answers, they embarked on a quest to discover life in every nook and cranny, both inside and outside their house. Their discoveries were astonishing, as they encountered organisms thriving even in unexpected locations such as cupboards, demonstrating the resilience and adaptability of life.

Searching for Life Everywhere

In their exploration, Boojho delved into various ecosystems, from the depths of forests to the crevices of rocks. He was intrigued to learn about extremophiles—organisms capable of surviving in extreme environments like the scalding openings of volcanoes or the frigid depths of the ocean. This showed him that life has an incredible ability to adapt and thrive in conditions that might seem impossible.

The Living Organisms: Characteristics and Habitats pdf class 6 chapter 6 NCERT notes free download

Characteristics of Organisms

Common Traits of Organisms

Living organisms exhibit a set of fundamental characteristics that define their existence and set them apart from non-living entities:

  1. Need for Food: All living beings require sustenance to fulfill their energy needs for growth, repair, and various life processes.
  2. Growth: Organisms progress through distinct life stages, increasing in size and complexity over time.
  3. Respiration: Breathing is a vital process for most organisms. They take in oxygen to facilitate the release of energy from food, which also results in the production of carbon dioxide.
  4. Response to Stimuli: Living entities possess the capacity to respond to changes in their environment, allowing them to adapt and ensure their survival.
  5. Reproduction: Reproduction is a crucial trait of life. It enables the continuation of a species by giving rise to new individuals.
  6. Movement: While movement is often associated with animals, even plants exhibit movements in various forms, such as the opening and closing of flowers in response to light.
  7. Excretion: Organisms eliminate waste products, which helps maintain their internal environment and prevent the accumulation of harmful substances.
  8. Death: A universal aspect of life is mortality—all living organisms have a finite lifespan.

Habitat and Adaptation

Understanding Habitats

The concept of a habitat refers to the specific environment in which an organism resides. Habitats vary widely, encompassing diverse climates, landscapes, and ecosystems, each offering unique challenges and opportunities for life to thrive.

Adaptation and Survival

Adaptation is a cornerstone of life’s success. Organisms possess traits that enable them to survive and flourish within their particular habitat. These adaptations can be structural, behavioral, or physiological and often develop over generations through the process of natural selection.

Terrestrial Habitats

Deserts – the living organisms and their surroundings class 6 pdf

Deserts are characterized by their arid conditions and limited water availability. Organisms in deserts have evolved a range of adaptations to endure this harsh environment. Camels, for example, have long legs that keep their bodies above the hot sand, and they minimize water loss through efficient water storage.

Mountain Regions

Mountain habitats pose challenges like low temperatures and strong winds. To thrive in these conditions, plants like conifers have evolved cone-shaped structures that facilitate the shedding of snow, preventing damage to their branches.


Grasslands are home to various animals with distinct adaptations. Predators like lions have evolved a light brown coat that allows them to blend seamlessly with the tall grass, aiding them in stalking their prey effectively.

Aquatic Habitats -the living organisms and their surroundings class 6 pdf


Oceans cover the majority of the Earth’s surface and house an astonishing diversity of life. Fish have evolved streamlined body shapes for efficient swimming, while marine mammals like dolphins and whales have adapted to aquatic life with features like blowholes for breathing.

Ponds and Lakes

Freshwater ecosystems, such as ponds and lakes, support a unique array of organisms. Aquatic plants have specialized leaves and stems to thrive in submerged conditions. Frogs, which inhabit both water and land, exhibit adaptations such as webbed feet for swimming and powerful hind legs for leaping.

Reproduction and Movement


Reproduction is vital for the continuation of species. Plants employ diverse methods like seed production, cuttings, and runners. Animals showcase various reproductive strategies, including asexual and sexual reproduction, with some species engaging in complex courtship rituals.


Animals display a remarkable range of movement types to navigate their surroundings. Some walk, others fly, and some swim, each adapted to their ecological niche. Plant movement, while less conspicuous, is equally fascinating, as plants adjust their orientation to optimize factors like light exposure.


While the definition of life may be intricate, the shared characteristics and awe-inspiring adaptations of living organisms paint a vivid tapestry of existence. The boundless diversity of life forms, each intricately shaped by its habitat and unique evolutionary history, underscores the wonder of the natural world.

the living organisms and their surroundings class 6 pdf


1. What is the significance of adaptation in living organisms?

Adaptation is crucial for organisms to survive and thrive in their habitats. It allows them to develop traits that suit their environment over time.

2. How do organisms respond to stimuli?

Living organisms can respond to changes in their environment through various mechanisms such as movement, growth, and changes in behavior.

3. What is an extremophile?

An extremophile is an organism capable of living and thriving in extreme environmental conditions, such as high heat, acidity, or extreme pressure.

4. How do aquatic plants adapt to their environment?

Aquatic plants have specialized structures like submerged leaves and stems that allow them to absorb nutrients and carry out photosynthesis underwater.

5. What role does reproduction play in maintaining species?

Reproduction is essential for the continuation of species. It ensures the survival of a population over generations.

6. How do animals in deserts cope with water scarcity?

Animals like camels have evolved unique physiological mechanisms to conserve water and withstand the arid conditions of deserts.

7. What are some examples of marine adaptations?

Marine animals like dolphins have developed streamlined bodies and specialized respiratory systems to thrive in oceanic environments.

8. How do plants exhibit movement?

Plants exhibit movement through various processes, such as phototropism (response to light) and thigmotropism (response to touch).

9. How does the diversity of life contribute to ecosystems?

The diversity of life within ecosystems ensures the balance of energy flow, nutrient cycling, and ecological interactions.

10. Why is the study of habitats important for understanding organisms?

Studying habitats helps us understand how organisms interact with their environment, adapt to challenges, and contribute to the overall ecosystem.

the living organisms and their surroundings class 6 pdf

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